Senin, 10 Mei 2010

Oregon: Silver Falls State Park

South Falls

Silver Falls State Park is a phenomenal destination only an hour northeast of Salem on highway 214. It is located in a temperate rain forest in the foothills of the Cascade Mountains. 100-year old moss, ferns, and raging waterfalls are just some of the sites one can expect in the park.

South Falls Close Ups

I was traveling with my parents so we visited the falls that could be seen from the road or on short walks an level terrain.

Winter Falls

North Falls

Taken with a telephoto lens from the North Falls view point on Hwy 214 going towards Silverton

On this trip I was continuously amazed with Oregon weather. In the several hours we were at the park, we were hailed on twice and between each deluge, we had warm sunny skies!

The rain forest

The trail heading down to the bottom of South Falls. Every inch is covered with something growing!



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