Here's a fun one... Two colors I really really love. In fact, these were the only two I picked up from the new Revlon Top Speed line. I still love that commercial, too. You know, the one where her nail polish keeps changing colors?

The colors look truer in the bottles here:

But the whole "Top Speed Fast Dry" thing is a bit of a lie... For some reason, every time I wear either of these, they take forever to dry! I'm talking Barielle/Diamond dry times here.... Even with Seche Vite!
Oh, and the brushes... I hate the brushes... They're so floppy and horrible...
BUT! It doesn't matter to me because the colors are gorgeous.... I can deal with bad brushes and long dry time if the color is awesome enough. I just wish these could be the entire package: Good color, good formula and good brushes. Ah, well, can't win 'em all.
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