Elevation: 6,631 ft
Elevation Gain: 1,191 ft (cumulative)
Dogs: On leash only (State Park)
Critters: Rattlesnakes (warm weather obviously)
Many locals never realize that eastern Colorado is filled with mysterious canyons cut into the soft rock by long forgotten rivers. Filled with interesting rock formations, petroglyphs, or dinosaur tracks, these canyons make for interesting hiking, particularly in the shoulder seasons. Castlewood Canyon State Park, southeast of Denver, is one such canyon that is relatively close to the metro area.

Our route began on the Lake Gulch trail just past the Canyon Point Parking Area. We walked along the top of the rim to a view of the valley that was once Lake Louise. Ranch land today, the valley looked lovely with a light dusting of snow glistening in the sun.
The route descended to the valley floor and then crossed Cherry Creek on a series of boulders. Now on the Rimrock trail, we passed the remains (at 1.18 miles) of the dam built in 1890. The dam broke in 1930 and flooded downtown Denver. The destruction of the water made as it gouged it way forward is still visible today.
Just past the ruins, the Rimrock Trail quickly ascends (at 1.35 miles) to the top of canyon. This area is a flat plateau filled with smooth rocks and coniferous trees. There are several places where the hiker can get a glimpse of the rocks as they are splitting away from the canyon sides. In the summer, this area bakes in the sun and Rattlesnakes rule.
Our decent near the end of the canyon (at 2.72 miles) was precipitous because ice from the recent snowfall had melted into the nooks and carnies, making the entire route slippery. From this point we traveled across a bridge (at 3.23 miles) and along the Creek Bottom (G) Trail to a small waterfall (at 4.26 miles) and then back to the dam (at 5.11 miles).

In stark ecological contrast, the other side of the Inner Canyon was covered in shade and moisture-loving Douglas Firs (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and snow, snow, snow. While we basked in the "heat", we marveled at winter on the other side

Near the end of the Inner Canyon is a bridge where we finally crossed over to the snowy side. We crossed a bridge and stepped through the looking glass into a different world. Was this Narnia or Never Never Land? Every branch was coated with huge clumps of snow that looked more like a movie set than reality. From the bridge, it is a quick jaunt up the side of the canyon to our starting point (at 6.4 miles).
Castlwood Canyon State Park is a local gem that you need to try. It can be dry and stark in the winter, brutally hot in the summer, and stunning in the spring and fall. On this trip, Denver had received it first light snowfall, and the contrasts made the area very appealing.
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