Distance: 4 miles RT
Elevation: 5,645 ft – 6, 300 ft
Elevation Gain: 655 ft
Looking northeast from atop the Homestead PlateauWith yet another storm raging in the high country we once again set our sights on a lower hike along the Front Range. This loop travels up the Homestead Trail for 1.1 miles, heads west along the Towhee Trail for 0.4 miles, then jogs 0.3 miles on Shadow Canyon before finishing up with 2.0 miles along the Mesa Trail. The map at the bottom of this post gives a rough idea of the route for those interested. There is a web of trails at the southern end of the Mesa Trail, and hikers can choose many different options.
The Homestead and Towhee Trails start off to the left, Flatirons in the distanceThe Homestead Trail is nice because it is a steeper and more strenuous ascent. It will get your heart rate going as you climb the many steps leading up to a broad plateau. From the top, there are views of the distant plains as well as the ever-approaching flatirons.

On the left: Heading up the Homestead Trail). On this route, the trail descends back down the north side of the plateau to intersect with the Towhee Trail, which comes up the gully from the right. This side of the plateau was still snow encrusted and very slick. The Towhee Trail has the disadvantage of being a leash only, which is another good reason to start out on the Homestead Trail if you have dogs that need to run free.
From the Towhee Trail, the loop heads east on Shadow Canyon for just 0.4 miles. There are nice views of some rock formations near this intersection and nice views of the plains a few yards up the trail.

On the right: Heading down the Homestead Trail. Rock formations in view). The Mesa Trail stretches 6 miles south to north, and at the intersection of Shadow Canyon and the Mesa Trail the hiker has the choice of heading north for another 4 miles or heading south directly. We decided to head north and upwards but were turned around by very slick conditions within a quarter of a mile. Just past the ruins of an old cabin, we turned around and headed back to the trailhead.
Towhee Trail
View from Shadow Canyon Trail
Heading up the Mesa Trail. While there were folks out trail running, we were being pulled by a dog on a leash and the slick conditions and steepness of the road had us turn around about 0.2 miles from this point.The southern portion of the Mesa Trail is a broad. It windy gracefully downwards with sweeping views of the plains. The willows along the trail are filled with birds in the spring and summer.
Heading down the Mesa Trail
About half-way down
Trailhead is in view. In the distance is the Dowdy Plateau. That area is filled with hikes as well.
The Dowdy-Debacker-Dunn Homestead, or what is left of it
Detail of the rock constructionAt the apex of the Homestead and Mesa Trails are the remains of the Dowdy-DeBacker-Dunn Homestead. Built in 1858, all that remains is the stone section, unique for its mult-sized slab construction. In its day, an irrigation canal ran through it, providing fresh running water…of a sort. It seems hard to imagine this popular trailhead as the deep frontier but long before Boulder was founded, hearty stock had been settling in what was then Arapaho Indian country. For some it was gold but for others if was land for both farming and ranching. The original settler, Dowdy, ran a gristmill.
Crossing the creek. The trailhead is only a few feet away.Colorado is filled with history and many of its trails are strewn with mining relics, the ruins of old cabins, and the ghosts of pioneers. Half the time we overlook these doorways into the past. Glued to our ipods and focused on cardiovascular performance, they simply fade from view. So, next time you hit the southern Mesa Trailhead, take a moment to examine what is left of the homestead and look around. Imagine living there over 100 years ago.
Map of the route